The planning and financial department

Абдылдаева Жыргал Шакировна

Начальник планово-финансового отдела


Тентиева Нургул Жусупбековна

старший экономист планово-финансового отдела


General information

The planning and financial department is a structural subdivision of the university and reports to the rector, to carry out economic planning of the activities of KNAU and increase the economic efficiency of the use of finance.In its activities, the Volga Federal District is guided by the current legislation, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Education”, the Regulations on the University, decrees of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, orders and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the charter of KNAU, the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, orders and instructions Rector of KNAU and other regulations.

The main tasks of the planning – financial department are:

• Participation in long-term and current planning of the training of specialists in the budget and extrabudgetary funds.

• planning and organization of financial activities of KNAU

• preparation of prospective and annual estimates of income and expenses

• development of a tariff list and staffing

• Ensuring (together with other services) the correct and efficient use of labor and financial resources allocated for the maintenance of KNU, financial receipts for teaching students at extrabudgetary departments.