Должностные инструкции ППС КНАУ
Инструкция по делопроизводству КНАУ
Положение о подборе кадров и прием на работу ППС КНАУ
Положение о порядке проведения аттестации ППС КНАУ
Положение о порядке замещения должностей ППС КНАУ
Положение о повышении квалификации
The department consists of 4 segments: personnel department, general department archive and 2 departments.
Goals and task: proper application of normative documents;
-documents flow speed;
– work without errors;
– consulting service;
– professional ethics;
Components of a HR (Human Resources Department) employee:
knowledge – information that needs to be known and used correctly; skills – application of knowledge;
motivation – willingness to put in effort;
competence -the ability to use a skill to perform work in accordance with existing legislations.